So Which is It? Is the Housing Market Booming or has the Bubble Burst?
The number of houses for sale in the area has jumped by almost 25 percent from a year ago. Still, the supply of homes on the market is half what's considered normal.
So which is it? Is the housing market booming or has the bubble burst?
Compared with many other areas of the country, our home market is still hot.
With more than 100,000 new jobs added in Dallas-Fort Worth this year and tens of thousands of folks moving to the area, the demand for housing is still huge.
But the buy-at-any-price, get-it-while-you-can mind-set of home shopping a year or two ago has faded.
"Things are reverting to normal in Dallas-Fort Worth," said Dr. James Gaines, chief economist for the Real Estate Center at Texas A&M University. "It's going to look so much different because you've had such boom times for the last six or seven years and we have gotten used to it...